Edit: Thank you for Animal Crossing New Horizons Bells the interest in/support for this particular post, RIP my inbox after. A good deal of the questions below are easily answered if you just Google the terms. Https://www.investopedia.com/ is a good starting point. Any terms there you don't know, likewise Google them. This should be a part of your DD/research. If you can't do that, you've no place trading. Any questions regarding speculation, I know as much as you can.
Also forgot to mention the bit where Melvin's parents didn't need to see their son humiliated so that they spoke to their friend in the country club that conducts Robingoods, the delivery service that gives people their Nintendo's.
The parents in the country club forced Robingoods to stop delivery to Kevin and his friends. They did but soon realised it is prohibited to mess with people mail, so that they started delivering again but they made them deliver the Nintendo's into Kevin and his friends by horse and cart rather than trucks, to slow things down. However, it doesn't matter since Kevin has made a lot more friends throughout the world now. Ape's together powerful
My brain hurts from each of these words. But I have to know one more thing, until I feast on more paint chips; Who's owed the interest about the shorts? Who gets all this money that's really expensive for Melvin? The ape hive mind has convinced me that Melvin is paying millions or billions on interest. Where does all this go? But oh well it is just money I'll work more selfemployed and make it back I have money stashed and Cheap Nook Miles Ticket money owed outside to me. My invoices are paid for a Month or two but none of the pales compared to the????????? I'll loose money if that means billionaires are doing the same.