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Jugo Banerries // Banerries Smoothie


❏ 3 plátanos, congelados

❏ 3/4 arándanos, congelados

❏ 1 cucharada de miel/miel de maple/azúcar

❏ 1 taza de leche de almendras


1. Agregue todos los ingredientes a una licuadora y mezcle durante 30 segundos.

2. Sirva y disfrute!

Makes approximately 2 servings.


❏ 3 bananas, frozen ❏ 3/4 cup blueberries, frozen

❏ 1 tablespoon honey/maple syrup/sugar

❏ 1 cup almond milk


1. Add all ingredients to a blender a blend for 30 seconds.

2. Serve and enjoy!

Rinde aproximadamente 2 porciones.

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